Nuremberg translation agency for certified translations and specialised translations

Das Übersetzernetzwerk Nuremberg provides high quality technical and certified translations.

Our translation agency in Nuremberg offers business customers from industry, trade as well as public authorities, universities and public institutions competent translation services. More than 350 professional translators, graduate translators, official translators and sworn/certified translators can offer our business and private customers translations in 50 languages and in numerous specialist areas.

Certified translations

by certified/sworn translators

Legal translations

rental contracts, works contracts, service contracts, purchase contracts, etc.

Technical translations

automotive engineering - automotive, environmental, engineering, etc.

Business translations

Corporate Reporting: Quarterly Reports/Annual Reports, accounting standards, etc.

Scientific texts

abstracts, study publications, essays, dossiers etc.

Translations in the field of tourism

travel reports, websites, travel guide books, etc.

Medical translations

clinical trials, medical devices, laboratory equipment, etc.

Website translations

SEO translations, translation of AdWords, social media, etc.

General texts

correspondence, recipes, emails etc.

Das Übersetzernetzwerk Nürnberg

  • Certified translations
  • Specialised translations
  • Proofreading
  • Revision
  • Own server
  • Data security
  • Confidentiality
  • Punctuality
  • Highest quality standards
  • Native speaker principle
  • Project management
  • Translation Memory

Quality of translation
In the Nuremberg translation agency we work strictly according to the native speaker principle: every translator produces only translations into the respective mother tongue. At the beginning of a project, the translation team is put together for the relevant area of specialisation and there is a lively exchange of opinion between them. Translations are also proofread by an additional translator.


Of course, your documents, texts, etc. are always treated in strict confidence in the Nuremberg translation agency. If you want a different means of submitting the translation than email, please contact us about the secure exchange of data with Das Übersetzernetzwerk. We operate our own server in the premises of our translation agency, where an encrypted connection allows you to upload your confidential texts!

Prices for translations

Translation costs are calculated either by line or word. In addition, the field, language combination, volume, delivery period and format are taken into account. After viewing the text to be translated we would be happy to give you a fixed price for your translation. To do so, simply send the text to be translated by email to: or upload the text using our online request form.

The offer is not binding and free of charge.

Das Übersetzernetzwerk Nürnberg


0911 / 14879541

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