Areas of expertise
Our more than 350 translators provide translations in the fields of law, business, engineering, IT and many more.
- All types of contracts
- Patent law, patents, patent specifications, patent descriptions, patent applications
- General terms and conditions of business (GTCs), conditions of purchase, conditions of delivery and sale
- Legal correspondence, statements of claim
- Trade register excerpts
- Certificates, diplomas, letters of recommendation (also as certified translation)
- Wills and powers of attorney
- Certified translations
- Industry / technology
- Mechanical engineering, automotive industry, automotive engineering, engine production and precision mechanics, optics, construction industry, sanitary systems, telecommunications,
- Aircraft construction, shipping, astronautics
- Measurement and control technology, engineering, automation, machine tools, packaging machines, packaging technology, measurement and control technology, process engineering, metallurgy, steel industry, welding technology
- Power engineering, fuels, power plant technology, nuclear power, alternative and renewable forms of energy, heating systems, climate technology
- Electronics, electrical engineering, microelectronics, data systems, photography, digital camera, communications, telecommunications, consumer electronics, household appliances
- Environmental technology
- Transportation
- Civil engineering
- Agriculture
- Quality assurance
- Radiology, oncology and urology
- Medical information, patient education
- Medical reports, medical findings
- Pharmaceutics and the pharmaceutical industry
- Medical technology, medical equipment and instruments
- Dental medicine, dental technology, prothetics
- Management, commercial correspondence, risk management
- PowerPoint slides, company plans, risk management
- Finance, banking, cash flow reports
- Annual reports
- Accounting, balance sheets, profit and loss statements
- Presentations, press releases, business reports and lectures
- Trade, imports, exports, customs, customs documents, importation of goods, logistics
- Exhibitions and trade fairs, trade fair industry, hotel trade, catering
- Administration, human resources, insurance policies (also yacht insurances), official permits
Information Technology
- Software, software manuals
- Operating systems
- Online aids, E-content
- Hardware
- Product specifications, manuals, instructions, program specifications
- Installation instructions
- Localization
- Database content
- Cosmetics
- Beauty
- Photography
- Arts
- Literature
- Tourism
- Websites
- Restauration